We're all going through
life, doing the best we can,
with the resources
we have, and if
we knew better,
we'd be doing
The practice of
yoga helps us not only
get through life, but
to grow through it by
offering some significant
life skills.
Every day, if we're open
to it, we're exposed to
new possibilities of
growth and expansion.
This growth may come
in a new found ability
to express ourselves,
or to give the space to
others to do the same.
We may experience
an expanded consciousness
or awareness.
We may be driving, the same
route we've driven for
months or years and
notice something different.
Personal development requires
that during the process
of growth, we are going
to experience pain and the
feeling of being out of balance.
For instance, we may
be so used to over committing,
that it has become
comfortable to do so, even
though it's totally
NOT serving us, or others
at all.
When we, for example, learn
When we, for example, learn
to express a healthy,
NO, we may feel pain
and emotional discomfort, simply
because it's not familiar.
Like a child that learns a
new word and uses it
all of the time, we may
find ourselves saying
NO to almost everything
NO to almost everything
as we try a 'healthy NO'
on for size.
With time, we will become
more masterful with our
ability to discern when NO
is really appropriate, and
eventually integrate
into who we are.
On the yoga mat,
we're practicing being
'comfortable in the
This is such an assett
This is such an assett
in life because when
we do embark on
any degree of personal
development, it's gonna
Remember that, it's
hard, but it's totally
worth it!
Keep up the great work
on and off of the
yoga mat.
Talk soon,
To help you along, on and off of the yoga mat,
I've got something I think
you may enjoy....The Inner Journey...Check it out!